A Big Sur Podcast

# 105 An update from Dan Weiss from his home in Bet Shemesh, Israel.

Magnus Toren, host Season 1 Episode 105

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On October 7, 2023 Dan woke up to a regular Sabbath in his hometown, Bet Shemesh. It turned out to be something very different than a 'regular' Sabbath!

In podcast episode # 76 my good friend Dan Weiss talks about the war in Israel.
Dan and I met in Big Sur 30 (or so) years ago. We have stayed in touch ever since. I am proud of my friendship with Dan.
This episode is published close to the anniversary of the massacre on Nov 7th, 2024.

Today is also close to Rosh Hashanah (October 3-4), a holiday commemorating the “Head of the Year,” marking the beginning of the Jewish calendar.

Dan and I speak of some places where we get thoughtful analysis and news:
Times of Israel
For Heaven's Sake
Call Me Back
Dexter Filkins on the Honestly Podcast
Mordechai Kedar
The Daily Briefing

Thank you for listening!

Leonard Cohen 

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This podcast is a production of the Henry Miller Memorial Library with support from The Arts Council for Monterey County!

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